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Configuration Reference

Configure the starlight integration

Starlight is an integration built on top the Astro web framework. You can configure your project inside the astro.config.mjs configuration file:

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      title: 'My delightful docs site',

You can pass the following options to the starlight integration.

title (required)

type: string

Set the title for your website. Will be used in metadata and in the browser tab title.


type: string

Set the description for your website. Used in metadata shared with search engines in the <meta name="description"> tag if description is not set in a page’s frontmatter.

type: LogoConfig

Set a logo image to show in the navigation bar alongside or instead of the site title. You can either set a single src property or set separate image sources for light and dark.

  logo: {
    src: '/src/assets/my-logo.svg',


type LogoConfig = { alt?: string; replacesTitle?: boolean } & (
  | { src: string }
  | { light: string; dark: string }


type: false | { minHeadingLevel?: number; maxHeadingLevel?: number; }
default: { minHeadingLevel: 2; maxHeadingLevel: 3; }

Configure the table of contents shown on the right of each page. By default, <h2> and <h3> headings will be included in this table of contents.

type: { baseUrl: string }

Enable “Edit this page” links by setting the base URL these should use. The final link will be editLink.baseUrl + the current page path. For example, to enable editing pages in the withastro/starlight repo on GitHub:

  editLink: {
    baseUrl: '',

With this config, a /introduction page would have an edit link pointing to

type: SidebarGroup[]

Configure your site’s sidebar navigation items.

A sidebar is an array of groups, each with a label for the group and either an items array or an autogenerate configuration object.

You can manually set the contents of a group using items, which is an array that can include links and subgroups. You can also automatically generate the contents of a group from a specific directory of your docs, using autogenerate.

  sidebar: [
    // A group labelled “Start Here” containing two links.
      label: 'Start Here',
      items: [
        { label: 'Introduction', link: '/intro' },
        { label: 'Next Steps', link: '/next-steps' },
    // A group linking to all pages in the reference directory.
      label: 'Reference',
      autogenerate: { directory: 'reference' },


Autogenerated sidebar groups are sorted by filename alphabetically. For example, a page generated from would appear above the page for

Translating labels

If your site is multilingual, each item’s label is considered to be in the default locale. You can set a translations property to provide labels for your other supported languages:

sidebar: [
  // An example sidebar with labels translated to French.
    label: 'Start Here',
    translations: { fr: 'Commencez ici' },
    items: [
        label: 'Getting Started',
        translations: { fr: 'Bien démarrer' },
        link: '/getting-started',
        label: 'Project Structure',
        translations: { fr: 'Structure du projet' },
        link: '/structure',


type SidebarGroup =
  | {
      label: string;
      translations?: Record<string, string>;
      items: Array<LinkItem | SidebarGroup>;
  | {
      label: string;
      translations?: Record<string, string>;
      autogenerate: {
        directory: string;


interface LinkItem {
  label: string;
  link: string;


type: { [dir: string]: LocaleConfig }

Configure internationalization (i18n) for your site by setting which locales are supported.

Each entry should use the directory where that language’s files are saved as the key.

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      title: 'My Site',
      // Set English as the default language for this site.
      defaultLocale: 'en',
      locales: {
        // English docs in `src/content/docs/en/`
        en: {
          label: 'English',
        // Simplified Chinese docs in `src/content/docs/zh/`
        zh: {
          label: '简体中文',
          lang: 'zh-CN',
        // Arabic docs in `src/content/docs/ar/`
        ar: {
          label: 'العربية',
          dir: 'rtl',

Locale options

You can set the following options for each locale:

label (required)

type: string

The label for this language to show to users, for example in the language switcher. Most often you will want this to be the language’s name as a user of that language would expect to read it, e.g. "English", "العربية", or "简体中文".


type: string

The BCP-47 tag for this language, e.g. "en", "ar", or "zh-CN". If not set, the language’s directory name will be used by default.


type: 'ltr' | 'rtl'

The writing direction of this language; "ltr" for left-to-right (the default) or "rtl" for right-to-left.

Root locale

You can serve the default language without a /lang/ directory by setting a root locale:

  locales: {
    root: {
      label: 'English',
      lang: 'en',
    fr: {
      label: 'Français',

For example, this allows you to serve /getting-started/ as an English route and use /fr/getting-started/ as the equivalent French page.


type: string

Set the language which is the default for this site. The value should match one of the keys of your locales object. (If your default language is your root locale, you can skip this.)

The default locale will be used to provide fallback content where translations are missing.


type: { discord?: string; github?: string; mastodon?: string; twitter?: string }

Optional details about the social media accounts for this site. Adding any of these will display them as icon links in the site header.

  social: {
    discord: '',
    github: '',
    mastodon: '',
    twitter: '',


type: string[]

Provide CSS files to customize the look and feel of your Starlight site.

Supports local CSS files relative to the root of your project, e.g. '/src/custom.css', and CSS you installed as an npm module, e.g. '@fontsource/roboto'.

  customCss: ['/src/custom-styles.css', '@fontsource/roboto'],

type: HeadConfig[]

Add custom tags to the <head> of your Starlight site. Can be useful for adding analytics and other third-party scripts and resources.

  head: [
    // Example: add Fathom analytics script tag.
      tag: 'script',
      attrs: {
        src: '',
        'data-site': 'MY-FATHOM-ID',
        defer: true,


interface HeadConfig {
  tag: string;
  attrs?: Record<string, string | boolean | undefined>;
  content?: string;